Friday, March 24, 2006

Enough of This Existential Bullshit

I wrote the title of this post prior to being called into my bosses office to hear some sad news. Ted's wife has cancer and probably has two months to live. (Ted is a loan officer here, along with me). Needless to say, Ted won't be here for the forseeable future. Were I him there's no way I would leave my wife's side.

There is another loan officer, Toni, who is absent as well for undisclosed reasons.

This leaves yours truly as the only loan officer. So I get every application, every phone call and every member that walks through the door. It's been like this since Tuesday.

So things have been busy.

Certainly I'm not happy about the current situation, but it's nothing I can't handle effectively with some help from my co-workers outside the loan department.

But that's not what this post is about. It's about my reaction to the news that Ted's wife is dying.

I thought "Oh, great. I'm screwed now."

I'm screwed? Really?

Horrible. I'm ashamed of myself. I could not possibly have had a more selfish reaction.
The man's wife is dying and I'm only concerned about how it will effect me.

I have to go now.

m. potpie


Blogger ty bluesmith said...


12:13 PM  
Blogger Timmy said...

I didnt know you were a dead head! awesome!

12:40 PM  
Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

Chicken- Yeah, I know. I tell myself that, but I still feel bad.

Calico- What up Ty?

Indymtg- I never followed them around, but I do listen.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Kata said...

You're not bad. I am. When the mister came home and told me that he scored 135 (bottom of the genius category) on an IQ test at college, I responded with a big loud "Dammit! You ass! I'm the genius in this house!" See, I'm worse. I will burn in Hades.

8:49 PM  
Blogger asianpixie said...

Your immediate reaction is not something to be that ashamed of. You cannot deny the stresses you are facing in your life and your unhappiness with your job.

10:47 AM  
Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

mangey- I'll meet you in line. I'll bring the herb.

doggrrrrl- No more callouses. I use lotion now.

Lt. A.P.- Yeah, I realized that over the weekend. I talked to a lot of people. It was a natural reaction..but it still feels shitty.

11:05 AM  

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