Thursday, March 09, 2006

I Hate My Job

I need a new job. A new career, let's say. I'm tired of the loan officer bit, tired of the financial institution bit..but also tired of making changes. I haven't even been here for two years (although I've been in this industry for about five) and I'm ready to move on.

But what the hell would I do? I have no college degree, no specialized skills...and I'm going to be thirty-seven this year. While thirty-seven is nowhere near old (and truthfully I still feel like I'm twelve most of the time), is it a bit too late to start from scratch? The dreamer in me says no, while the pragmatist says yes. The responsiblility gene says "stay the course, build up your 401k, plan for the future". The Wild Hare gene says "Fuck that other gene! Follow your heart and your balls!"

I long for a fresh start in a new place. This job provides no challenge, allows for no real creativity and is slowly killing me. This is evidenced by my surfing the net all day while ignoring loan applications.

So what would I do? Well, I'd prefer something active and creative, something that lets me get outside and use my imagination.

The perfect job for me? Photojournalism. Nature photography. Very National Geographic.

I guess the question now do I make this happen?


Blogger Kata said... should so follow your heart and balls. Just get out of my way at the Nat'l Geo office....hehe. Go for it man. Loan officer? Are you all clean cut and shit?

4:48 PM  
Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

Mangey- Clean cut? Hmmm...not really. I keep my hair around 1/8th of an inch long and have the soul-patch thing...but I do wear a shirt and tie most days.

Chicken- That path will lead you to a career as either a Russian interrogator or elementary school teacher.

9:07 AM  
Blogger asianpixie said...

I think with the changing times means also more of an opportunist career path. So don't be afraid to branch out into different courses. I do sympathize what you are going through since I feel the same way about my job.

As for getting into Photojournalism, do you have a portfolio you can send out? Also, if you are not against the idea of going back to school (part-time even), you can go for your art degree to also ease your way into the field and gain a network. That's what my mom is currently doing (getting an Associate's in Fine Arts) now that she is retired. I bet she wishes she could have done the thing that she loved sooner if it weren't for us pesky kids! :)

10:38 AM  
Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

Lt. A.P.- Thanks for the sympathy. I've been giving the school thing a lot of thought. If I do that I'd have to move...which may be happening anyway.

doggrrrrl- Russian Dominatrix...yes. Yes! Please?

8:17 AM  

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