Friday, December 16, 2005

Put On Your Thinking Caps

After learning today that our kinda-sorta-voted-in president allowed the NSA to spy on people in the U.S. (, I started thinking of political movements and governments that used to do the same thing. Certainly it starts with the best of intentions, but soon after a police state evolves and crimes are committed by that same government in the name of security.

How much of our freedom have we given up? Perhaps a better question is "How much of our freedom has been taken from us?" Are the elected folks in Washington and in our home states really representing us? Or are they instead acting in their own best interests and securing legacies for their brood?

I find myself scared of the path we've been led down and wondering about the evolution of democracy in our country. If in fact the people we choose to represent us don't have our best interests at heart, where does that leave us? We've become like a colony of worker bees, our only reason for existence is to grow the hive and protect the queen, occasionally exporting another queen and starting a new hive. We've been turned into nothing but consumers, seemingly having no say at all in this administrations policies no matter which way we vote.

If you have the time, follow these links:

M. PotPie


Blogger fatrobot said...

i really like spying
i can't really blame anyone for spying on anyone since i enjoy it
if they are spying on me they know i want their high tech spy gear

1:25 PM  
Blogger lilmammal said...

KGB anyone?

1:42 PM  
Blogger ty bluesmith said...

"blue team go. blue team go."

2:22 PM  
Blogger MKD said...

I thought the other day on this, which led me to think about how the senators and such, making only around 100Gs a year, can afford uber-expensive houses in Georgetown, Potomac, and Arlington. Then it hit me. They are already rich. Oh and white. Sorry. I forgot that one.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

chicken- Angry is a good start. Next..Revolution!

robot- This is a very good point.

indy- KGB = NSA = SS maybe that's a bit crazy, but the other two orgainzations have their roots in the same policies.

chubba- For Christmas I'm going retro and buying a Clinton Jersey. #69, of course.

mkd- I've often thought how interesting it would be to run for office...but I have no money so I'm not qualified to hold public office.

8:41 AM  
Blogger asianpixie said...

The times we live in frighten me.

On a related note: I recently received a dividend from my insurance that is linked to the government and a letter saying that it was a major achievement since 2005, 2004, and 2002 (respectively) were the worst years in an 83-year time frame. Strange that it is correlated to this administration.

10:33 AM  

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