A List of Things That Suck
As the title implies, here is a list of things that suck, in no particular order of suckiness:
1. Drug advertisements on tv. I could go on an on about this.
2. Spin Doctoring
3. Scripted News Conferences
4. This: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/21/AR2005092102260.html
Ok, this list is turning into a rant against Dubya. My god I hate that man. He's a puppet, a marionette dancing on strings being held by giant corporate interests, the Saudi royal family and our own homegrown religious zealots.
5. The Religious Right. They make my blood boil.
It's enough to make you think that the end times really are here. The people running this country and the people influencing the people that run this country are morally corrupt, greedy and so concerned about their pet issues that they can't see beyond them. The have a myopic vision of the world. They hate. That's the bottom line. They truly hate those that are different from them. What we need is another revolution, and soon. I complained about people not voting a while back, but I seem to have just realized that you can be elected president even if you don't win the popular vote. I think the first change that needs to be made is the elimination of the electoral college. What an antiquated system that is! It was originally set up because states like Wyoming and Rhode Island, who comparitively don't have any people in them, needed to have an equal voice. And most of the time they couldn't get to polling places...because there were maybe one or two. Well you know what? With the current dissemination of information, and how easily available it is, there is no longer a reason for the electoral college to exist. Without it, Dubya wouldn't be president. Twice.
You know, if I had any idea how to start a revolution, I'd do it. I can't take this anymore.
M. PotPie