Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I Call For a Jihad Against the Phone Company!

As the title of this post implies, I am rather upset with Powercom, my local phone company. And no, I'm not an Imam, I'm not even Muslim, and I realize I can't actually call for a Jihad, so save me the theology lesson. I recently received a bill of $232 for phone calls to my internet provider, a call that should be local for me, being that I live less than four miles from the locale I was calling. That's right, less than four miles. I imagine if I shouted loud enough people in Waupun could hear me.

Be that as it may, I was informed that because of the way the phone service providers, Verizon and SBC, have drawn up their coverage maps, Waupun is what they call "Extended Local Service", which apparently means that one company owns some of the lines, the other owns lines. What it boils down to is that even if I switched companies, it would still be "Extended Local Service"! Perhaps I live in some sort of telephone twilight zone where no calls are local.

I tried explaining the idiocy of this to the customer service gal on the phone, and when she decided she'd had enough of me she handed me over to her manager. I tried to explain it to him using logic, which was stupid. Corporations don't understand logic and forbid their employees from using it, and I should have realized that. So....they won't reduce my bill and are demanding their money right now. So I did what any sane, rational person would do: I swore at them, called them names and cancelled my phone service. And I'm not paying them, either. Besides, my credit is so messed up from my divorce that I can't really hurt it anymore. This may go down in history as the only time having bad credit actually benefited someone.

Jihad, you fuckers!

(Is that right? I don't have to blow myself up or anything, do I?)

M. PotPie


Blogger Blog ho said...

i'm in. i'll totally complain about them at work for you.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

Praise Allah. I'm weaving explosive shirts...what size do you wear?

8:13 AM  
Blogger Blog ho said...

the biggest size, of course.

10:12 AM  

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