Stupid Clowns
The clown is smiling, always smiling, but the smile doesn't reach it's eyes. All clowns are "it's". How can you tell sex under baggy clothes and so much make-up? Maybe that's why I hate them so much. What if I went to a circus and found myself in the front row of the center ring, enjoying popcorn or a candy apple and a clown winked at me? I would be aroused but not know if the clown were male or female. I would follow the clown to it's trailer, missing the elephants and women who stand on horses, hoping to quench my libido in the wet innards of the clown. What if it took it's clown suit off and revealed a penis? I would be forced to kill the clown to preserve my manhood.
Would you like to buy a necklace of clown ears?
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